November 14, 2007

The Oldest, Cheapest, and always Available Therapy

Do you know the most ancient health care therapy?
Do you know the no cost therapy?
And do you know about therapy that always available?

Yes, Auto Urine Therapy (AUT) is the right answer!

Isn't it always available? wherever and whenever we are.
Isn't it no cost? And since thousands years ago, it has been being practiced by some people around the globe both in West or East, especially within yoga and tantra tradition.

As practitioner of AUT since some years ago, I want to share my experiences and knowledge dealing with AUT. I had heard about AUT maybe since I was a teenager and actually in my family had practiced it especially when one of my family member got eyes problem. Usually my father would take his first urine in the morning ( about at 05.00 am.) and then clean my eyes with his urine. Soon, my eyes would be clearer and feel cool.

But to drink it? I had to think thousand times.

Since reading some books with topics of AUT, my point of view on AUT getting different. Since then, I knew more about the various substances in our urine and their benefit for our health. And finally I was very curious about the taste of my own urine. But again, it was very hard if I had to drink or even just one drop onto my tongue.

How to pass initial phase ?
Before auto urine therapy can be practiced totally, it need to give our body and mental an initial adjustment phase. During this phase there is some obstacles must be overcome, especially about our mental. For broad minded people usually this phase is easier to be accomplished. To make easier, it is suggested to follow these steps :

  1. We have to know first, that our urine consist of some useful substances ( will be described later ).

  2. Prepare our mind and increase our curiosity about the real taste of our own urine.

  3. On the day we try, we have to consume a good foods. Avoid alcohol, avoid high protein foods, and add more fruit.

  4. When you feel prepared to taste, collect some our fresh urine into a glass.

  5. See its color (generally urine is clear like pure water), smell it, take some and start by rubbing your hands with it.

  6. After about five to seven minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether it has an effect.

  7. If above steps are ok, then try to put one drop onto your tongue. Taste (usually a little salty) and smell.

  8. And finally, try to drink a little glass of our own urine.

  9. Isn't it ok?

Really, the first glass was definitely the hardest step. And then everything will be easier and healthier !

November 11, 2007

Terapi Warna

Dr. Yuda Teruna

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari , tanpa sadar warna dapat mempengaruhi tubuh kita. Dapat dibayangkan bila anda tinggal di suatu ruangan yang berwarna hitam kelam atau coklat tua , pastilah tubuh dan pikiran anda enggan untuk berlama-lama tinggal di tempat tersebut. Contoh sederhana tersebut menjadi salah satu dasar dari terapi warna ini. Jika kombinasi warna tertentu dapat menyebabkan pikiran kita stress dan depresi maka pastilah ada kombinasi warna lain yang menyebabkan pikiran kita tenang dan rileks.

Penggunaan terapi warna ini sudah mempunyai sejarah yang cukup lama. Pada zaman mesir kuno sudah dibuat suatu bangunan penyembuhan dengan cahaya dan warna. Penggunaan warna pun digunakan secara luas di India dan China sampai saat ini sedangkan penggunaan terapi warna di AS dan Eropa mulai berkembang sejak pertengahan abad ke 19 , dimana Dr. Edwin Babbit mempublikasikan The Principles of light and colour. Dia merekomendasikan berbagai teknik penggunaan warna untuk penyembuhan.

Telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai efek warna pada tubuh kita. Penelitian di Norwegia mencatat bahwa orang yang tinggal di ruangan berwarna biru mempunyai thermostat ( ambang suhu tubuh ) 3 derajat lebih tinggi dibanding dengan orang yang tinggal di ruangan berwarna merah. Nick Humprey dari universitas Cambridge menemukan bahwa paparan warna merah dapat mengakibatkan perubahan emosional, detak jantung, tahanan kulit, dan aktivitas listrik otak. Penelitian lain menunjukkan warna merah dapat pula menurunkan ambang rangsang nyeri, artinya pasien akan lebih sensitif terhadap nyeri.

Perlu diingat bahwa terapi warna ini dapat memberikan efek perubahan fisiologis lebih dari sekedar efek psikologis stimulus penglihatan. Sebagai contoh : warna merah dapat mengakibatkan terangsangnya sistem saraf otonom sedangkan warna biru mempunyai efek menenangkan. Anda mungkin juga masih ingat bahwa warna ultraviolet sering digunakan untuk bayi yang lahir ikterik atau berwarna kuning.

Praktisi terapi warna percaya bahwa karena semua bentuk materi merupakan bentuk dari energi, maka aplikasi energi ke dalam tubuh akan mempengaruhi keadaan sehat maupun sakit. Pada orang yang sakit , tubuhnya kekurangan satu atau beberapa warna tertentu.

Cahaya merupakan salah satu bentuk energi dan cahaya ini dapat dipecah menjadi beberapa warna dan inti dari terapi warna ini adalah mengaplikasikan satu atau lebih warna untuk menjaga keseimbangan energi dalam tubuh.

Ada berbagai cara untuk mengetahui kebutuhan warna bagi tubuh anda. Bila Anda berkunjung ke praktisi terapi warna maka ada beberapa praktisi yang mengatakan dapat melihat ‘aura’ ( lapisan warna yang mengelilingi tubuh ) dan mengatakan langsung warna yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh . Teknik fotografi pun telah digunakan untuk melihat aura. Teknik ini didasarkan pada fotografi Kirlian yaitu suatu teknik fotografi dengan frekuensi tinggi yang ditemukan di Rusia tahun 1940.

Pada bahasan ini saya tidak akan mendiskusikan kedua hal tersebut di atas, saya lebih menitikberatkan pada segi praktis yang dapat Anda terapkan sendiri . Banyak praktisi terapi warna percaya bahwa setiap orang mempunyai kemampuan naluri untuk menentukan sendiri warna apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan tubuh. Sebagai contoh : ada salah satu teknik terapi warna yang disebut dengan Aurasoma . Teknik ini menggunakan botol-botol kecil yang berisi lapisan warna dari minyak esensial dan ekstrak tumbuhan. Kebanyakan botol kecil ini terdiri dari dua warna dan ada 90 kombinasi. Tekniknya : Anda mengambil 4 botol yang berisi kombinasi warna yang anda sukai. Kemudian anda dapat menggunakan minyak esensial dalam botol tersebut untuk dipakai pada kulit . Tidak ada batasan waktu berapa lama Anda menggunakan terapi warna ini. Anda dapat melakukannya selama teknik ini baik menurut Anda.

Banyak praktisi mendasarkan terapi warna pada energi tubuh yang terfokus pada tujuh titik mayor yang disebut dengan ‘ cakra’. Setiap cakra ini berkorelasi dengan sistem organ dan warna tertentu. Hubungan antara cakra, organ dan warna tersebut adalah :

Warna merah : berhubungan dengan cakra dasar yang mempengaruhi vitalitas, kekuatan , seksualitas, dan kesadaran. Warna merah digunakan untuk mengatasi anemia, kekurangan energi, impotensi, tekanan darah rendah, penyakit kulit, infeksi saluran kencing.

Oranye : berhubungan dengan cakra limpa yang mengatur sirkulasi dan metabolisme. Warna oranye berhubungan dengan kegembiraan dan keceriaan. Warna ini digunakan untuk mengatasi depresi dan kelainan ginjal dan paru, seperti asma, bronchitis, obstipasi. Warna pelengkapnya adalah biru.

Kuning : berhubungan dengan cakra solar plexus yang mempengaruhi intelektual dan pengambilan keputusan. Warna kuning dapat menstimulasi konsentrasi. Warna ini dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit artritis dan dapat mengurangi keluhan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan stress, kejang otot,hipoglikemia, hipertiroid, batu empedu. Warna pelengkapnya adalah ungu.

Hijau : berhubungan dengan cakra jantung. Hijau merupakan warna yang alami dan menunjukan kemurnian dan harmoni. Warna ini dapat dikatakan penyembuh yang luar biasa . Hijau digunakan untuk menyeimbangkan dan menstabilisasi energi tubuh.

Biru : berhubungan dengan cakra tenggorokan . Warna biru merupakan warna yang menenangkan dan sangat baik digunakan untuk mengatasi insomnia, gastritis, artritis, nyeri pinggang bawah, sakit tenggorokan, asma dan migren. Warna pelengkapnya adalah oranye.

Ungu : merupakan warna dari cakra mahkota dan berhubungan dengan energi dari fungsi tertinggi pikiran. Warna ini sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan mengurangi rasa ketidakberdayaan. Sering digunakan untuk mengobati kelainan mental dan saraf, juga dapat menekan nafsu makan, dan dapat digunakan untuk migren.

Hitam : warna ini seringkali digunakan untuk menekan nafsu makan. Bagi mereka yang berencana untuk menurunkan berat badan dapat mencoba dengan menggunakan kain alas meja berwarna hitam.

Bila anda tidak berencana untuk pergi ke praktisi terapi warna , gunakan naluri untuk memilih warna yang menurut Anda dapat membuat tubuh lebih rileks dan tenang. Janganlah ragu untuk menggunakan warna tersebut. Anda dapat pula menggunakan warna-warna dengan fungsi tertentu yang telah disebutkan di atas. Beberapa teknik terapi warna yang dapat Anda lakukan sendiri di rumah adalah :

Penyembuhan pelangi : teknik ini sangat sederhana dan murah . Prinsipnya : air ketika terkena sinar matahari di dalam wadah yang berwarna ( misalnya botol yang berwarna ) , maka akan menerima energi vibrasi dari warna tersebut. Anda dapat membeli wadah atau botol dalam beragam warna atau secara mudah Anda dapat menggunakan botol yang bening dan melapisinya dengan plastik kaca warna tertentu. Minumlah air ini dengan interval yang teratur sepanjang hari.
Pernafasan warna : teknik ini merupakan salah satu bentuk teknik visualisasi ( lihat bab metode relaksasi ) . Anda dapat membayangkan menghirup dan menghembuskan warna tertentu. Teknik ini dapat Anda lakukan sebelum tidur atau saat Anda bangun pagi hari.

  • Carilah tempat yang nyaman untuk duduk atau berbaring.
  • Bernafaslah dalam , teratur dan perlahan.
  • Bayangkan diri anda dikelilingi oleh warna tertentu yang anda inginkan.
  • Saat Anda bernafas, bayangkan tubuh anda menghirup warna ini dan bayangkan warna tersebut menyebar di seluruh tubuh anda.
  • Saat Anda menghembuskan nafas bayangkan Anda menghembuskan warna pasangannya ( seperti saat Anda menghirup nafas berwarna biru maka hembuskan warna oranye. Warna kuning dengan ungu muda, hijau dengan ungu tua ).

Selain kedua teknik tersebut di atas bila memungkinkan Anda dapat pula menata kembali ruangan anda dengan warna yang sesuai. Misalnya saja Anda dapat memulainya dengan mengganti warna sprei maupun sarung bantal dengan warna biru bila saat ini Anda menderita stress dan ketegangan.

November 7, 2007

Medicinal Mushrooms - the New Addition to Western Herbal Medicine

By Dale Pinnock BSc (Hons) MNIMH

Medicinal fungus have been used for millenia in the traditional medical practices of the Orient. So revered where these fungi that their usage was often exclusively retained for the Emperor and aristocricy. Fungus such as Ganoderma lucidum (resihi, ling zhi) were believed to be an elixir of life, capable of doubling ones life span and warding off all disease and the ageing process.

Over the past thirty years, the West has become switched onto these amazing healing tools, and they have become some of the most widely and vigorously researched natural products to date and have found their way into conventional medical treatments. This great volume of attention has arisen in response to continued findings that they may be profound allies in some of today's gravest diseases. The most important being those where the immune system is invloved.

Research has indicated time and time again that medicinal mushrooms are able to instigate a stimulatory effect on various branches of the immune system. The early research on these fungi revealed that their polysaccharide content was responsible for this stimulatory action. These large branch-chained sugar molecules are also known to be present in the widely used immune tonics Echinacea spp and Astragulus membranaceus. The most widely distributed polysaccharides in medicinal fungi, and certainly most widely studied are the Beta-glucans. It is theorised that these molecules are very similar in structure to membrane bound polysaccharides of various cellular pathogens and, as a result, dupe the immune system into instigating a response.

In the late 1980's, the Japanese mycologist Hiraoki Nanba discovered that the mushroom Grifola frondosa (maitake) was capable of delivering the strongest stimulatory response. It was later found that this was due to maitake having a very uniquely shaped polysaccharide, and this was particularly active when given in oral dosages - very useful to the modern day Herbalist and Nutritionist. It is interesting to note however that these polysaccharides are infact too large and dense to be absorbed by the gut! It is believed therefore that these substances may be active by interacting with the white cell dense peyers patches within the gut, causing an alarm response, then cascade reaction and instigating the immune response systemically.

In light of Nanba's research, fungal polysaccharides became heavily studied, and many were patented and developed into pharmaceutical drugs. The most famous of these is PSK, extracted from the Coriolus versicolor (turkey tail) mushroom, which was used in the treatment of cancers in the United States.

So what exactly do these substances effect within the immune system? It is well established that their effect is of a stimulatory nature, but the stimulation of what? The answer is non-specific immunity. Many of the initial studies carried out on mushroom polysaccharides revealed an increase in number, and activity of NK cells. These cells move through the body and seek out any problematic cells in any tissue. These can be cells infected with a virus, or cells that are becoming cancerous. These cells will identify themselves by displaying certain chemical structures on their outer surface - essentially a distress failr. When an NK cell identifies a cell as abnormal it binds to it, then using a substance called perforin, it perforates the membrane of that cell and induces apoptosis (cell death).

Another method that NK cells use to induce apoptosis, is by sending a signal through the cell membrane of the affected cell to its nucleus in order to programme its death. Some of the original studies performed by Hiraoki Nanba on Human subjects with various cancers, showed an average increase in NK cell numbers of 1.7 times. It is interesting to note that there was also a decrease in metastasis in test subjects.

Another interesting influence upon the immune system that has been rather heavily documented is the effect upon Th cell subsets. T cells move through the body in an inactive (virgin, Th0) state, until they are activated by an antigen presenting cell. Once activated they differentiate themselves into two subsets which are different in regards to the cytokines (messenger chemicals) that they secrete. These subsets are Th1 and Th2. The Th1 subset of T cells secrete cytonkines that include IL-2 and TNF. This type of response stimulates and primes macrophages, and activates NK cells. This type of response also discourages inflammatory responses and antibody mediated immune responses. Th2 stimulates the type of responses that are antibody mediated and encourage inflammatory reactions. It is this type of response that is involved in allergic reactions. These two Th subsets are mutually inhibitory, so if T cells are stimulated to switch to one subset, any responses attributable to the opposing subset will be supressed. It has become clear from a considerable body of evidence that mushroom polysaccharides stimulate T cells, increase their numbers, and cause these cells to move into the Th1 subset.

These findings clearly suggest several potential uses for these wonderful fungi. The first, and one that has already been at the centre of a vast number of studies, is a role in cancer treatment. The stimulation of NK cells via the Th1 subset is what gives this credibility. As previously described, NK cells have the ability to identify cancerous cells, and destroy them. NK cells are by no means the only cells capable of this action, but cancer cells are somehow able to hide themselves from the other cells of the immune system, but from NK cells there is no escape. There is also an obvious use in the management of HIV/AIDS. This is due to the stimulation in T cell production. This application has been used with considerable success by Marijke Pfeiffer in a European outpatient clinic, and several London based hospital outpatient units.

There is also a potential (but currently greatly under-researched) use in the management of allergies and auto-immune conditions. These both rely on the presence of antibodies, and therefore antibody mediated immune responses are responsible for the destructive effects observed in such conditions. As the Th2 subset is mostly responsible for antibody mediated reactions, and because Th1 and Th2 are mutually inhibitory, stimulating Th2-Th1 shift will reduce the ocurrence of these destructive reactions. Martin Powell of MRL has used Ganoderma lucidum successfully in this context, with severe hayfever suferers becoming almost asymptomatic after several weeks supplementation.

We are certainly in the early days when it comes to the use of medicinal mushrooms in western herbal and nutritional practices. However, because of the type of responses highlighted above, many more practitioners are including them in their dispensaries and treatment regimes. There are some wonderful products on the market now for nutritionist and herbalist alike. Mycology Research Laboratories (MRL) have a wonderfully effective range of mushroom tablets at a reasonable price, and Proline Botanicals are now producing tinctures of Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Grifola frondosa, and Lentinus edodes. If anyone has any clinical experience using fungi, please drop us a line and subit an article.

Article source :

November 6, 2007

Story of Ginseng

There were once two brothers who were hunters. They went up into the mountains to hunt. In the mountains the brothers caught much game. One day the weather suddenly turned bad, and it began snowing heavily. The snow fell for two days and nights without letting up. It buried all the tracks, and they couldn 't find their way out of the mountain. The brothers had no choice but to take shelter in a large hollow tree, where they lit a fire to keep warm.

On clear days they went hunting and dug roots for food. One day they dug up a root as thick as a man's wrist. The root was shaped like a human being, and the root fibers growing out from it looked like human's hands and feet. The brothers bit into the root to taste it. It was slightly sweet, and after eating it they found their strength increased tremendously.

The two dug for the root everywhere. All through the long winter, the root kept them strong and healthy. Finally spring has came! The brothers happily made their way down the mountain, carrying the game they had caught on their shoulders. The people of their village were astounded to see them back. They had thought they must surely have frozen or starved to death.

"What on earth did you eat to get you through the winter up in the mountains? How come you're so full of energy?" The brothers took out the root they had found and showed it to the other villagers. But none of them had seen the plant before. "Oh! it's shaped just like a man. How strange!" Later when news of the root spread, people began to call it "ginseng" (renshen in Mandarin), which means "man-root. "

Article source :

November 2, 2007

Cordyceps Sinensis for Your Errection Ehancer

Properties & Taste: Sweet and warm
Meridians: Kidney and lung

Cordyceps is traditionally known as an herbal aphrodisiac and a fountain of energy and vitality. It can be found on isolated places in southwestern China, in locations over 3,500 metres, but it is a rare herb.

The sexual support of Cordyceps has been known for years. Cordyceps has shown an amazing high success rate among men with erectile dysfunction, strongly higher than placebo. Cordyceps has the ability to improve sexual energy, stamina, appetite, desire, performance - and much more!

• Cordyceps is traditionally known as an excellent herbal aphrodisiac
• Strengthens the Yang-energy.
• Invigorates the kidneys to stop impotence, female sterility and frequent urination.
• Strengthens the tendons and bones.
• Eliminates phlegm.
• Increases sexual desire.
• Lowers cholesterol concentrations
• Improves the cellular energy production
• Improves the utilization of oxygen in the body, making nutrients more rapidly available
• Helps overcome sexual dysfunction
• Helps improve energy, stamina, appetite and sleeping patterns
• Acts as an hormone stimulator
• Promote healthy lung function

Cordyceps increases the ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) production in the human's cells and thus increases the overall energy and vitality. Especially people involved in sports can benefit from this feature of Cordyceps.

Cordyceps is a valuable herb with many pharmacological actions. Its properties are similar to those of ginseng. Cordyceps is especially helpful with male potency and female vitality, and this makes him an important ingredient of many effective herbal aphrodisiacs.

However, sexual support is not all that Cordyceps offers to you. Research on Cordyceps has shown other important facts about this wonderful chinese herb. People taking Cordyceps on a regular basis could fight off bacterial and viral diseases, and were also not effected by side effects of certain antibiotics. Human immune system seems to be strong stimulated by Cordyceps.

Cordyceps is benefiting the whole body. Without any side effects. A long time ago, only the Chinese Emperor and a few wealthy individuals could afford Cordyceps.

Article source :