December 5, 2007

Buah Lezat Berkhasiat Obat

Rasa lemas dan pandangan kabur tiba-tiba menyambangi Zaenal Solikhin SH. Ia pun merebahkan diri pada sandaran kursi. Gejala itu pertanda kadar gula darah kepala Desa Jokomulyo, Kecamatan Tempuran, Kabupaten Magelang, tengah melonjak. Bila sudah demikian, kesembuhan ia sandarkan pada obat pereda kadar gula darah.

Suatu hari pada 2006, rasa lemas kembali mendera Zaenal. Hasil pemeriksaan darah di RS Harapan, Magelang, menunjukkan kadar gula darah mencapai 439 mg/dl; normal 120 mg/dl. Lagi-lagi ayah 4 anak itu mesti mengkonsumsi obat penurun kadar gula darah.

Suatu ketika Zaenal bertemu dengan seorang rekan. Ia menyarankan agar Zaenal mengkonsumsi buah naga. Belakangan memang santer terdengar buah bersisik itu kaya khasiat. Tanpa pikir panjang ia memborong buah naga di salah satu toko buah di Magelang, Jawa Tengah.

Haluskan kulit

Red pitaya-sebutan buah naga berdaging merah-itu dikonsumsi pagi dan sore hari masing-masing 1 buah berbobot 250 g. Zaenal berhenti mengkonsumsi nasi, salah satu sumber gula yang pantang dikonsumsi penderita diabetes. 'Selama diet, saya hanya mengkonsumsi buah naga,' katanya. Konsumsi obat penurun gula darah juga dihentikan.

Delapan hari berselang, kondisi tubuh Zaenal mulai membaik. Ketika diperiksa kembali di RS Harapan, kadar gula darah turun menjadi 139 mg/dl. Sejak itulah bila kadar gula darah kembali melambung, 'Saya langsung mengkonsumsi buah naga,' ujarnya.

Kisah Zaenal Solikhin itu seakan membenarkan anggapan buah naga-terutama buah naga berdaging merah Hylocereus polyrhizus-yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit.

Menurut Prof Dr Muhammad Yusuf, ahli pengobatan tradisional China, dalam kebudayaan Tionghoa buah naga dipercaya menghaluskan kulit wajah sehingga tampil lebih cantik. Namun, ia tidak digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit-penyakit mematikan seperti kanker atau jantung. 'Buah naga baik untuk mengatasi panas dalam karena bersifat mendinginkan,' ujarnya.

Terbukti ilmiah

Berbagai hasil penelitian ilmiah menunjukkan buah naga berfaedah bagi kesehatan. Marhazlina M, peneliti Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia, meneliti pengaruh mengkonsumsi buah naga terhadap kadar gula darah dan kolesterol pada pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 yang tidak tergantung insulin. Uji dilakukan terhadap 28 pasien berusia 40-55 tahun.

Sukarelawan itu dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok, masing-masing terdiri atas 7 pasien. Pasien pada kelompok I diberi asupan 400 g buah naga berdaging merah setiap hari, kelompok II 600 g, kelompok III tanpa perlakuan, dan kelompok IV diberi obat penurun kadar gula darah yang beredar di pasaran.

Darah pasien diperiksa pada minggu pertama pascaperlakuan, 4 minggu, dan 2 minggu sebelum perlakuan berakhir. Total masa perlakuan 7 minggu. Darah pasien diperiksa dengan mesin penganalisis kimia otomatis.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar kolesterol high density lipoprotein (HDL)-kolesterol baik-pasien kelompok I meningkat 14,1% setelah 4 minggu perlakuan. Sedangkan kadar gula darah pasien menurun 19,94%, kolesterol low density lipoprotein (LDL)-kolesterol buruk-5,94%, dan trigliserida 23,52%. Kesimpulannya, buah naga berdaging merah berpotensi membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah dan mencegah risiko penyakit jantung pada pasien diabetes. Hasil itu tidak jauh berbeda dengan kelompok II.

Pitaya juga terbukti kaya antioksidan. Hasil riset Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), buah naga berdaging merah mengandung total fenolat 1.076 ?mol gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g puree. Aktivitas antioksidan mencapai 7,59 ?mol trolox equivalents (TE)/g puree. Sedangkan yang berdaging putih Hylocereus undatus mengandung total fenolat 523 ?mol GAE/g dan aktivitas antioksidan 2,96 ?mol TE/g.

Daun dan kulit buah

Faedah buah naga bagi kesehatan ternyata tak hanya dipersembahkan daging buah. Hasil penelitian Rosario Vargas Sol?s dari Laboratorio de Investigation de Fitofarmacolog?a, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Meksiko, ekstrak kloroform daun buah naga berdaging putih mengandung senyawa pentacyclic triterpene taraxast-20-ene-3a-ol dan taraxast-12,20(30)-dien-3a-ol. Kedua senyawa itu terbukti melindungi kelenturan pembuluh darah kelinci.

Peneliti memperkirakan keampuhan kedua senyawa itu hampir menyamai troxerutin, salah satu obat pelindung pembuluh darah mikro yang beredar di pasaran. Obat itu berfaedah mengurangi risiko pecahnya pembuluh darah. Hasil uji in vitro yang dilakukan Li-chen Wu, peneliti Department of Applied Chemistry, National Chi-Nan University, menunjukkan ekstrak kulit buah naga berdaging merah berpotensi menghambat pertumbuhan sel tumor B16F10 pada dosis 25 ?g. Itu membuktikan buah naga tak hanya lezat bila disantap, tetapi juga berfaedah sebagai obat. (Imam Wiguna)

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Panasea Penyelamat Jantung

Sebutkan satu penyakit paling mematikan! Jantung. Ya, sampai saat ini penyakit jantung tetap menjadi pembunuh nomor 1. Penyebabnya bisa bermacam-macam, stres dan konsumsi makanan yang tidak sehat di antaranya. Hasil penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan Arthur Marx dan Raymond R Neutra dari Johns Hopkins University School menyebutkan penyakit jantung terutama iskemik-alias jantung koroner-ada hubungannya dengan kekurangan magnesium dalam tubuh.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Amerika Serikat memberitakan hampir 80% penduduk Amerika Serikat kekurangan magnesium. Padahal, magnesium dibutuhkan sel otot dan saraf pada jantung agar ia dapat bekerja optimal. Salah satu akibat kurangnya asupan magnesium dalam tubuh adalah serangan penyakit jantung. Informasi dari Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey menyebutkan 11,2-juta penduduk Amerika menderita penyakit itu. Pada 1992, penyakit jantung membunuh sekitar 480.000 orang. Padahal, jika saja asupan magnesium terpenuhi, penyakit itu bisa dicegah.

Salah satu cara memperoleh asupan magnesium adalah dengan minum air. Air salah satu sumber magnesium terbaik karena 30% kebutuhan magnesium dalam tubuh tersedia di sana. Sayangnya, di Indonesia air minum lebih banyak mengandung kalsium. Padahal The Water Health Association menganjurkan agar dalam tiap liter air harus terkandung 25 mg magnesium. Kenyataannya, jumlah magnesium pada air minum di Indonesia masih kurang dari angka itu.


Masyarakat Jepang lebih beruntung. Mereka terbiasa minum nigari sebagai sumber magnesium. Nigari alias sari air laut adalah air laut tua atau yang berada di lapisan teratas-kira-kira setebal 10 cm-dalam pembuatan garam. Sementara lapisan bawah bakal menjadi garam. Supaya menjadi sari air laut, air tua itu diproses dengan otoklaf kristalisasi. Biasanya air tua terbuang dalam proses pembuatan garam. Satu ton produksi garam, membutuhkan 50 m3 air laut. Jumlah air tua yang terbentuk 1,9 m3. Nigari berupa bubuk magnesium klorida kerap dipakai untuk koagulan (pengeras) alami dalam pembuatan tofu alias tahu jepang serta bahan pendingin alami ikan.

Di negeri Matahari Terbit itu, nigari yang pahit memang beken. Anak-anak hingga orang tua terbiasa mengkonsumsinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Meski budaya memproduksi garam sangat tua di Indonesia, tetapi nigari baru diperkenalkan setahun terakhir. Dr Nelson Sembiring, periset Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur yang memperkenalkannya. Nelson mengetahui khasiat nigari saat belajar di Jepang.

Limbah air garam kaya mineral seperti magnesium sulfat, natrium klorida, magnesium klorida, dan kalsium klorida. Kandungan utamanya magnesium, mineral terbanyak keempat dalam tubuh. Jika limbah itu diekstraksi, sarinya bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan manusia, terutama untuk kecukupan gizi magnesium. Magnesium berperan menjaga kesehatan jantung. 'Ia mampu mencegah pengendapan lemak pada dinding pembuluh darah jantung,' kata Prof Dr Bambang Wirjatmadi dari bagian gizi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

Menurut Bambang, kurangnya asupan magnesium bisa mempercepat timbulnya endapan lemak pada pembuluh darah jantung. 'Padahal pembuluh darah jantung itu kan ukurannya sangat kecil. Endapan lemak bisa menyebabkan pembuluh tersumbat. Akibatnya, kerja jantung terhambat,' tambah alumnus Fakultas Kedokteran Unair itu. Untuk mencegah penyakit jantung, Bambang biasa melarutkan 20 tetes nigari dalam 20 l air minum.

Banyak manfaat

Sari air laut alias nigari memang multikhasiat. Selain menyehatkan jantung, ia juga memiliki seabrek khasiat lain. Untuk pertumbuhan tulang misalnya. Di Selandia Baru, pemerintahnya menyarankan anak-anak usia 3-13 tahun untuk mengkonsumsi sari air laut. Di negeri kiwi itu pertumbuhan tulang pada usia itu sangat lambat. Nah, kalsium pada nigari bekerja sama dengan magnesium bisa berperan dalam pembentukan tulang dan gigi.

Khasiat lain: limbah garam itu mampu menambah kualitas kecantikan wanita. Tatsuya Kosaka meriset untuk membuktikannya. Menurut direktur Institut Penelitian Nigari itu, magnesium dalam sari air laut bisa membakar lemak dan mengeluarkan cairan tak berguna dalam tubuh. Wajar jika di Jepang, kalangan anak muda-terutama remaja perempuan-senantiasa membawa sari air laut. 'Gunanya menjaga tubuh tetap langsing dan terhindar dari penyakit kolesterol walau memakan apa pun,' kata Nelson.

Lainnya, nigari bisa digunakan untuk pembersih wajah. Caranya: campurkan setetes nigari dalam 100 ml air bersih. Setelah itu semprotkan pada wajah. 'Magnesium pada nigari mampu memperlambat proses penuaan sehingga kulit tidak gampang keriput,' kata Bambang. Selain itu, kolagen kulit pun bisa diperbaiki, jadi kulit muka semakin kenyal dan kencang.

Panasea lain

Selain nigari, banyak panasea beken lain yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan jantung. Buah merah misalnya. Kandungan antioksidan-karoten, betakaroten, dan tokoferol-yang dimilikinya mampu menyehatkan jantung. Betakaroten berfungsi memperlambat berlangsungnya penumpukan plak pada dinding arteri. Buah Pandanus conoideus itu juga mengandung asam lemak omega 3 dan omega 9 yang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol serta senyawa aktif penangkal terbentuknya radikal bebas dalam tubuh.

Panasea dari laut seperti teripang pun berkhasiat bagi jantung. Dalam teripang terkandung asam-asam lemak esensial seperti EPA dan DHA. Gabungan asam-asam lemak itu dengan kandungan trace mineral seperti kromium, besi, kadmium, mangan, nikel, kobalt, dan seng mengaktifkan superoxide dismutase alias SOD. SOD bertanggung jawab mengikat senyawa peroksidase yang muncul akibat kadar lemak berlebih dalam tubuh. Aktivitas SOD akan menurun akibat banyaknya pencemar dalam tubuh. Lemak berlebih (dalam bentuk kolesterol dan trigliserida) memicu pembentukan plak pada dinding arteri jantung.

Tidak hanya buah merah dan gamat-sebutan teripang di Malaysia-saja yang bisa mencegah dan mengatasi masalah jantung. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) alias minyak kelapa murni pun mempunyai kemampuan serupa. Asam laurat dalam VCO menaikkan kadar asam lemak tidak jenuh ganda EPA dan DHA. Kedua asam lemak itu terbukti menurunkan very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Ia juga berperan dalam menghambat produksi tromboksan, meningkatkan prostasiklin, menurunkan kekentalan darah, dan mencegah trombosis alias penyumbatan pembuluh darah.

Dr Sidi Aritjahja dari Happy Land Medical Centre, Yogyakarta, biasa menggunakan temulawak, lengkuas, dan secang untuk mengatasi jantung koroner. Ketiga bahan itu sama-sama mengandung saponin (triterpen glikosida) yang memiliki khasiat melarutkan lemak. Yang harus diperhatikan, ketiga bahan itu tidak boleh direbus terlalu lama. 'Jika direbus terlalu lama, kandungan saponinnya terlalu tinggi, bahaya bagi ginjal,' katanya. Kini, pilihan ada di tangan Anda, panasea mana yang paling cocok bagi jantung Anda. (Lani Marliani)

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Kelopak Merah Penolak Kanker

Ingat kenaf alias rosela Hibiscus cannabinus? Tanaman kaya serat itu terkenal sebagai bahan baku tali dalam pembuatan karung goni. Sayang, fungsi itu sudah tergantikan serat sintetis. Kini giliran kerabatnya Hibiscus sabdariffa yang mencuat. Bukan sebagai karung tapi minuman kesehatan kaya antioksidan pencegah kanker.

Sebelumnya rosela merah Hibiscus sabdariffa jarang dikenal orang lantaran kalah pamor dibanding kenaf. Namun setelah ditemukan faedahnya, rosela pun menjadi minuman ringan favorit di rumah. Cara menyajikannya mudah, cukup dengan merebusnya hingga mendidih. 'Jika rutin diminum, ada banyak khasiat yang bisa diperoleh,' kata Ir Didah Nurfarida MSi, periset Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Sepanjang 2006, Didah meneliti kandungan antioksidan pada teh kelopak merah itu. Hasilnya, roselle-sebutan rosela di Amerika-terdapat 1,7 mmmol/prolox antioksidan. Jumlah itu lebih banyak dibandingkan kumis kucing yang antioksidannya teruji klinis meluruhkan batu ginjal. Itu diperoleh dengan menggerus 3 kuntum rosela menjadi 1,5 gram bubuk dan diberi air 200 ml. Lantas, hasilnya dimasukkan ke spektrofotometer. Alat itu menganalisis seluruh kandungan kimia berdasarkan panjang gelombang yang dibiaskan larutan.


'Dengan adanya antioksidan, sel-sel radikal bebas yang merusak inti sel dapat dihilangkan,' kata Didah. Itu sebabnya rosela memiliki efek antikanker. Yang paling berperan adalah antosianin. Antosianin berperan menjaga kerusakan sel akibat peyerapan sinar ultraviolet berlebih. Ia melindungi sel-sel tubuh dari perubahan akibat radikal bebas.

Pembuktian khasiat antikanker oseile rouge-sebutan rosela di Perancis-tak cuma di Indonesia. Di luar negeri, penelitiannya sudah banyak. Salah satunya hasil penelitian Hui-Hsuan Lin dari Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Ia membuktikan karkadeh-sebutan rosela di Sudan-bersifat antikanker lambung manusia. Penelitiannya menemukan antioksidan rosela membunuh sel kanker dengan metode sitotoksis dan apoptosis.

Lain dengan penelitian De-Xing Hou di Jepang. Peneliti Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, Jepang itu menemukan delphinidin 3-sambubioside, antosianin rosela yang ampuh mengatasi kanker darah alias leukemia. Cara kerjanya dengan menghambat terjadinya kehilangan membran mitokondria dan pelepasan sitokrom dari mitokondria ke sitosol.

Cara lain menemukan senyawa aktif zuring-sebutan rosela di Belanda-ditempuh John McIntosh. Periset dari Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Selandia Baru itu mengekstrak rosela dengan mengeringkan kelopak bunga pada suhu 50oC selama 36 jam. Tiga gram hasil pengeringan rosela diencerkan dalam 300 ml air. Larutan itu dimasukkan ke tabung spektofotometer dan diuji dengan panjang gelombang 520 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rosela mengandung 51% antosianin dan 24% antioksidan lain.


Khasiat rosela tak sebatas antikanker. Fungsi rosela sebagai antikejang otot diteliti M. B. Al, ahli tanaman Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs Research Institute, National Council for Research Khartoum, Sudan. Hasil injeksi 2,5 ml ekstrak gerusan 125 mg rosela kering terbukti menghambat kejang pada berbagai otot. Antara lain, otot aorta kelinci, otot rahim tikus, otot diafragma pada babi, dan perut rahim katak.

Injeksi ekstrak rosela itu bagai anestesi. Sebab, tekanan darah langsung turun, kejang otot pun musnah. 'Makanya, orang yang meminumnya langsung terasa segar dan hilang dari kepenatan. Terutama untuk pengidap darah tinggi,' kata Dewani, herbalis Planta Medika Loka, di Lentengagung, Jakarta Selatan.

Utami merasakan langsung khasiat rosela untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tingginya yang telah diidap selama 5 tahun. Ibu 2 anak itu kerap pusing, mual, dan panas di kepala. Lantaran menganggapnya sebagai sakit kepala biasa, karyawati sebuah bank swasta di Jakarta itu hanya mengkonsumsi obat-obatan warung. Lama-kelamaan nyeri kepala semakin parah. 'Seperti di pukul palu,' katanya. Itu disertai mual dan muntah. Belum lagi dada sesak dan panas yang membuatnya sulit beristirahat. Tidur pun menjadi mahal.

Penderitaan itu dilakoni selama 1 tahun. Hingga pada 2002, ia berkonsultasi ke ahli medis. Dokternya memberikan obat agar tekanan darah tak melonjak. Selama lima tahun wanita kelahiran 17 April 1970 itu bergantung pada obat kimia resep dokter.

Barulah pada awal Februari 2007, temannya menyodorkan teh hangat berwarna merah. Tanpa mengetahui khasiatnya, Utami rutin mengkonsumsi teh vinagreira-rosela dalam bahasa Portugis-lantaran menyukai rasanya. Setelah mengkonsumsi, Utami merasa lebih tenang lantaran kekakuan saraf dan ketegangan leher akibat hipertensi hilang. Merasa lebih bugar dan nyenyak tidur, Utami memeriksakan diri ke dokter. Terbukti, setelah satu bulan mengkonsumsi rosela, tekanan darahnya turun 65 poin, dari 215 mmHg menjadi 150 mmHg.

Penjaga hati

Chau-Jong Wang, dari Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, College of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan menemukan khasiat lain rosela. Hasil penelitiannya ekstrak rosela kering melindungi liver tikus yang telah diinduksi carbon tetrachloride (Ccl4), perusak hati.

Setelah diberikan 1-5% rosela selama 9 minggu, kerusakan hati seperti steasis dan fibrosis turun. Metode kerjanya menurunkan aspartate aminotransferase (AST) dan alanine aminotransferase (ALT), memperbaiki jumlah glutationin yang berkurang, serta menghambat meningkatnya jumlah lemak peroksida akibat injeksi perusak hati.

'Tak hanya antosianin yang terkandung, berbagai zat gizi lengkap ada dalam rosela,' kata Didah. Dalam 100 gram rosela kering mengandung sejumlah asam amino dan mineral yang diperlukan tubuh. Seperti protein 1,145 g, lemak 2, 61 g, serat 12,0 g, kalsium 1.263 mg, fosfor 273,2 mg, besi 8,98 mg, karoten 0,029 mg, tiamin 0,117 mg, riboflavin 0.277 mg, dan niasin 3,765 mg.

Sedangkan asam lemaknya ada 18, seperti asam askorbat 6,7 mg, arginin 3,6 mg, sistein 1,3 mg, histidin 1,5 mg, isoleusin 3,0 mg, leusin 5,0 mg, lisin 3,9 mg metionin 1,0 mg, fenilalanin 3,2 mg, threonine 3,0 mg, tryptophan 2,2 mg, valine 3,8 mg, asam aspartat 16,3 mg, asam glutamat 7,2 mg, alanin 3,7 mg, glisin 3,8 mg, proline 5,6 mg, dan serin 3,5 mg.

Dengan segudang gizi itu, tak salah bila orang di berbagai belahan dunia seperti China, Mesir, Sudan, Jerman, dan Belanda menyematkannya sebagai salah satu panasea mujarab. (Vina Fitriani)

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November 14, 2007

The Oldest, Cheapest, and always Available Therapy

Do you know the most ancient health care therapy?
Do you know the no cost therapy?
And do you know about therapy that always available?

Yes, Auto Urine Therapy (AUT) is the right answer!

Isn't it always available? wherever and whenever we are.
Isn't it no cost? And since thousands years ago, it has been being practiced by some people around the globe both in West or East, especially within yoga and tantra tradition.

As practitioner of AUT since some years ago, I want to share my experiences and knowledge dealing with AUT. I had heard about AUT maybe since I was a teenager and actually in my family had practiced it especially when one of my family member got eyes problem. Usually my father would take his first urine in the morning ( about at 05.00 am.) and then clean my eyes with his urine. Soon, my eyes would be clearer and feel cool.

But to drink it? I had to think thousand times.

Since reading some books with topics of AUT, my point of view on AUT getting different. Since then, I knew more about the various substances in our urine and their benefit for our health. And finally I was very curious about the taste of my own urine. But again, it was very hard if I had to drink or even just one drop onto my tongue.

How to pass initial phase ?
Before auto urine therapy can be practiced totally, it need to give our body and mental an initial adjustment phase. During this phase there is some obstacles must be overcome, especially about our mental. For broad minded people usually this phase is easier to be accomplished. To make easier, it is suggested to follow these steps :

  1. We have to know first, that our urine consist of some useful substances ( will be described later ).

  2. Prepare our mind and increase our curiosity about the real taste of our own urine.

  3. On the day we try, we have to consume a good foods. Avoid alcohol, avoid high protein foods, and add more fruit.

  4. When you feel prepared to taste, collect some our fresh urine into a glass.

  5. See its color (generally urine is clear like pure water), smell it, take some and start by rubbing your hands with it.

  6. After about five to seven minutes wash it off with cold water and feel the skin to see whether it has an effect.

  7. If above steps are ok, then try to put one drop onto your tongue. Taste (usually a little salty) and smell.

  8. And finally, try to drink a little glass of our own urine.

  9. Isn't it ok?

Really, the first glass was definitely the hardest step. And then everything will be easier and healthier !

November 11, 2007

Terapi Warna

Dr. Yuda Teruna

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari , tanpa sadar warna dapat mempengaruhi tubuh kita. Dapat dibayangkan bila anda tinggal di suatu ruangan yang berwarna hitam kelam atau coklat tua , pastilah tubuh dan pikiran anda enggan untuk berlama-lama tinggal di tempat tersebut. Contoh sederhana tersebut menjadi salah satu dasar dari terapi warna ini. Jika kombinasi warna tertentu dapat menyebabkan pikiran kita stress dan depresi maka pastilah ada kombinasi warna lain yang menyebabkan pikiran kita tenang dan rileks.

Penggunaan terapi warna ini sudah mempunyai sejarah yang cukup lama. Pada zaman mesir kuno sudah dibuat suatu bangunan penyembuhan dengan cahaya dan warna. Penggunaan warna pun digunakan secara luas di India dan China sampai saat ini sedangkan penggunaan terapi warna di AS dan Eropa mulai berkembang sejak pertengahan abad ke 19 , dimana Dr. Edwin Babbit mempublikasikan The Principles of light and colour. Dia merekomendasikan berbagai teknik penggunaan warna untuk penyembuhan.

Telah banyak penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai efek warna pada tubuh kita. Penelitian di Norwegia mencatat bahwa orang yang tinggal di ruangan berwarna biru mempunyai thermostat ( ambang suhu tubuh ) 3 derajat lebih tinggi dibanding dengan orang yang tinggal di ruangan berwarna merah. Nick Humprey dari universitas Cambridge menemukan bahwa paparan warna merah dapat mengakibatkan perubahan emosional, detak jantung, tahanan kulit, dan aktivitas listrik otak. Penelitian lain menunjukkan warna merah dapat pula menurunkan ambang rangsang nyeri, artinya pasien akan lebih sensitif terhadap nyeri.

Perlu diingat bahwa terapi warna ini dapat memberikan efek perubahan fisiologis lebih dari sekedar efek psikologis stimulus penglihatan. Sebagai contoh : warna merah dapat mengakibatkan terangsangnya sistem saraf otonom sedangkan warna biru mempunyai efek menenangkan. Anda mungkin juga masih ingat bahwa warna ultraviolet sering digunakan untuk bayi yang lahir ikterik atau berwarna kuning.

Praktisi terapi warna percaya bahwa karena semua bentuk materi merupakan bentuk dari energi, maka aplikasi energi ke dalam tubuh akan mempengaruhi keadaan sehat maupun sakit. Pada orang yang sakit , tubuhnya kekurangan satu atau beberapa warna tertentu.

Cahaya merupakan salah satu bentuk energi dan cahaya ini dapat dipecah menjadi beberapa warna dan inti dari terapi warna ini adalah mengaplikasikan satu atau lebih warna untuk menjaga keseimbangan energi dalam tubuh.

Ada berbagai cara untuk mengetahui kebutuhan warna bagi tubuh anda. Bila Anda berkunjung ke praktisi terapi warna maka ada beberapa praktisi yang mengatakan dapat melihat ‘aura’ ( lapisan warna yang mengelilingi tubuh ) dan mengatakan langsung warna yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh . Teknik fotografi pun telah digunakan untuk melihat aura. Teknik ini didasarkan pada fotografi Kirlian yaitu suatu teknik fotografi dengan frekuensi tinggi yang ditemukan di Rusia tahun 1940.

Pada bahasan ini saya tidak akan mendiskusikan kedua hal tersebut di atas, saya lebih menitikberatkan pada segi praktis yang dapat Anda terapkan sendiri . Banyak praktisi terapi warna percaya bahwa setiap orang mempunyai kemampuan naluri untuk menentukan sendiri warna apa yang mereka butuhkan untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan tubuh. Sebagai contoh : ada salah satu teknik terapi warna yang disebut dengan Aurasoma . Teknik ini menggunakan botol-botol kecil yang berisi lapisan warna dari minyak esensial dan ekstrak tumbuhan. Kebanyakan botol kecil ini terdiri dari dua warna dan ada 90 kombinasi. Tekniknya : Anda mengambil 4 botol yang berisi kombinasi warna yang anda sukai. Kemudian anda dapat menggunakan minyak esensial dalam botol tersebut untuk dipakai pada kulit . Tidak ada batasan waktu berapa lama Anda menggunakan terapi warna ini. Anda dapat melakukannya selama teknik ini baik menurut Anda.

Banyak praktisi mendasarkan terapi warna pada energi tubuh yang terfokus pada tujuh titik mayor yang disebut dengan ‘ cakra’. Setiap cakra ini berkorelasi dengan sistem organ dan warna tertentu. Hubungan antara cakra, organ dan warna tersebut adalah :

Warna merah : berhubungan dengan cakra dasar yang mempengaruhi vitalitas, kekuatan , seksualitas, dan kesadaran. Warna merah digunakan untuk mengatasi anemia, kekurangan energi, impotensi, tekanan darah rendah, penyakit kulit, infeksi saluran kencing.

Oranye : berhubungan dengan cakra limpa yang mengatur sirkulasi dan metabolisme. Warna oranye berhubungan dengan kegembiraan dan keceriaan. Warna ini digunakan untuk mengatasi depresi dan kelainan ginjal dan paru, seperti asma, bronchitis, obstipasi. Warna pelengkapnya adalah biru.

Kuning : berhubungan dengan cakra solar plexus yang mempengaruhi intelektual dan pengambilan keputusan. Warna kuning dapat menstimulasi konsentrasi. Warna ini dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit artritis dan dapat mengurangi keluhan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan stress, kejang otot,hipoglikemia, hipertiroid, batu empedu. Warna pelengkapnya adalah ungu.

Hijau : berhubungan dengan cakra jantung. Hijau merupakan warna yang alami dan menunjukan kemurnian dan harmoni. Warna ini dapat dikatakan penyembuh yang luar biasa . Hijau digunakan untuk menyeimbangkan dan menstabilisasi energi tubuh.

Biru : berhubungan dengan cakra tenggorokan . Warna biru merupakan warna yang menenangkan dan sangat baik digunakan untuk mengatasi insomnia, gastritis, artritis, nyeri pinggang bawah, sakit tenggorokan, asma dan migren. Warna pelengkapnya adalah oranye.

Ungu : merupakan warna dari cakra mahkota dan berhubungan dengan energi dari fungsi tertinggi pikiran. Warna ini sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan mengurangi rasa ketidakberdayaan. Sering digunakan untuk mengobati kelainan mental dan saraf, juga dapat menekan nafsu makan, dan dapat digunakan untuk migren.

Hitam : warna ini seringkali digunakan untuk menekan nafsu makan. Bagi mereka yang berencana untuk menurunkan berat badan dapat mencoba dengan menggunakan kain alas meja berwarna hitam.

Bila anda tidak berencana untuk pergi ke praktisi terapi warna , gunakan naluri untuk memilih warna yang menurut Anda dapat membuat tubuh lebih rileks dan tenang. Janganlah ragu untuk menggunakan warna tersebut. Anda dapat pula menggunakan warna-warna dengan fungsi tertentu yang telah disebutkan di atas. Beberapa teknik terapi warna yang dapat Anda lakukan sendiri di rumah adalah :

Penyembuhan pelangi : teknik ini sangat sederhana dan murah . Prinsipnya : air ketika terkena sinar matahari di dalam wadah yang berwarna ( misalnya botol yang berwarna ) , maka akan menerima energi vibrasi dari warna tersebut. Anda dapat membeli wadah atau botol dalam beragam warna atau secara mudah Anda dapat menggunakan botol yang bening dan melapisinya dengan plastik kaca warna tertentu. Minumlah air ini dengan interval yang teratur sepanjang hari.
Pernafasan warna : teknik ini merupakan salah satu bentuk teknik visualisasi ( lihat bab metode relaksasi ) . Anda dapat membayangkan menghirup dan menghembuskan warna tertentu. Teknik ini dapat Anda lakukan sebelum tidur atau saat Anda bangun pagi hari.

  • Carilah tempat yang nyaman untuk duduk atau berbaring.
  • Bernafaslah dalam , teratur dan perlahan.
  • Bayangkan diri anda dikelilingi oleh warna tertentu yang anda inginkan.
  • Saat Anda bernafas, bayangkan tubuh anda menghirup warna ini dan bayangkan warna tersebut menyebar di seluruh tubuh anda.
  • Saat Anda menghembuskan nafas bayangkan Anda menghembuskan warna pasangannya ( seperti saat Anda menghirup nafas berwarna biru maka hembuskan warna oranye. Warna kuning dengan ungu muda, hijau dengan ungu tua ).

Selain kedua teknik tersebut di atas bila memungkinkan Anda dapat pula menata kembali ruangan anda dengan warna yang sesuai. Misalnya saja Anda dapat memulainya dengan mengganti warna sprei maupun sarung bantal dengan warna biru bila saat ini Anda menderita stress dan ketegangan.

November 7, 2007

Medicinal Mushrooms - the New Addition to Western Herbal Medicine

By Dale Pinnock BSc (Hons) MNIMH

Medicinal fungus have been used for millenia in the traditional medical practices of the Orient. So revered where these fungi that their usage was often exclusively retained for the Emperor and aristocricy. Fungus such as Ganoderma lucidum (resihi, ling zhi) were believed to be an elixir of life, capable of doubling ones life span and warding off all disease and the ageing process.

Over the past thirty years, the West has become switched onto these amazing healing tools, and they have become some of the most widely and vigorously researched natural products to date and have found their way into conventional medical treatments. This great volume of attention has arisen in response to continued findings that they may be profound allies in some of today's gravest diseases. The most important being those where the immune system is invloved.

Research has indicated time and time again that medicinal mushrooms are able to instigate a stimulatory effect on various branches of the immune system. The early research on these fungi revealed that their polysaccharide content was responsible for this stimulatory action. These large branch-chained sugar molecules are also known to be present in the widely used immune tonics Echinacea spp and Astragulus membranaceus. The most widely distributed polysaccharides in medicinal fungi, and certainly most widely studied are the Beta-glucans. It is theorised that these molecules are very similar in structure to membrane bound polysaccharides of various cellular pathogens and, as a result, dupe the immune system into instigating a response.

In the late 1980's, the Japanese mycologist Hiraoki Nanba discovered that the mushroom Grifola frondosa (maitake) was capable of delivering the strongest stimulatory response. It was later found that this was due to maitake having a very uniquely shaped polysaccharide, and this was particularly active when given in oral dosages - very useful to the modern day Herbalist and Nutritionist. It is interesting to note however that these polysaccharides are infact too large and dense to be absorbed by the gut! It is believed therefore that these substances may be active by interacting with the white cell dense peyers patches within the gut, causing an alarm response, then cascade reaction and instigating the immune response systemically.

In light of Nanba's research, fungal polysaccharides became heavily studied, and many were patented and developed into pharmaceutical drugs. The most famous of these is PSK, extracted from the Coriolus versicolor (turkey tail) mushroom, which was used in the treatment of cancers in the United States.

So what exactly do these substances effect within the immune system? It is well established that their effect is of a stimulatory nature, but the stimulation of what? The answer is non-specific immunity. Many of the initial studies carried out on mushroom polysaccharides revealed an increase in number, and activity of NK cells. These cells move through the body and seek out any problematic cells in any tissue. These can be cells infected with a virus, or cells that are becoming cancerous. These cells will identify themselves by displaying certain chemical structures on their outer surface - essentially a distress failr. When an NK cell identifies a cell as abnormal it binds to it, then using a substance called perforin, it perforates the membrane of that cell and induces apoptosis (cell death).

Another method that NK cells use to induce apoptosis, is by sending a signal through the cell membrane of the affected cell to its nucleus in order to programme its death. Some of the original studies performed by Hiraoki Nanba on Human subjects with various cancers, showed an average increase in NK cell numbers of 1.7 times. It is interesting to note that there was also a decrease in metastasis in test subjects.

Another interesting influence upon the immune system that has been rather heavily documented is the effect upon Th cell subsets. T cells move through the body in an inactive (virgin, Th0) state, until they are activated by an antigen presenting cell. Once activated they differentiate themselves into two subsets which are different in regards to the cytokines (messenger chemicals) that they secrete. These subsets are Th1 and Th2. The Th1 subset of T cells secrete cytonkines that include IL-2 and TNF. This type of response stimulates and primes macrophages, and activates NK cells. This type of response also discourages inflammatory responses and antibody mediated immune responses. Th2 stimulates the type of responses that are antibody mediated and encourage inflammatory reactions. It is this type of response that is involved in allergic reactions. These two Th subsets are mutually inhibitory, so if T cells are stimulated to switch to one subset, any responses attributable to the opposing subset will be supressed. It has become clear from a considerable body of evidence that mushroom polysaccharides stimulate T cells, increase their numbers, and cause these cells to move into the Th1 subset.

These findings clearly suggest several potential uses for these wonderful fungi. The first, and one that has already been at the centre of a vast number of studies, is a role in cancer treatment. The stimulation of NK cells via the Th1 subset is what gives this credibility. As previously described, NK cells have the ability to identify cancerous cells, and destroy them. NK cells are by no means the only cells capable of this action, but cancer cells are somehow able to hide themselves from the other cells of the immune system, but from NK cells there is no escape. There is also an obvious use in the management of HIV/AIDS. This is due to the stimulation in T cell production. This application has been used with considerable success by Marijke Pfeiffer in a European outpatient clinic, and several London based hospital outpatient units.

There is also a potential (but currently greatly under-researched) use in the management of allergies and auto-immune conditions. These both rely on the presence of antibodies, and therefore antibody mediated immune responses are responsible for the destructive effects observed in such conditions. As the Th2 subset is mostly responsible for antibody mediated reactions, and because Th1 and Th2 are mutually inhibitory, stimulating Th2-Th1 shift will reduce the ocurrence of these destructive reactions. Martin Powell of MRL has used Ganoderma lucidum successfully in this context, with severe hayfever suferers becoming almost asymptomatic after several weeks supplementation.

We are certainly in the early days when it comes to the use of medicinal mushrooms in western herbal and nutritional practices. However, because of the type of responses highlighted above, many more practitioners are including them in their dispensaries and treatment regimes. There are some wonderful products on the market now for nutritionist and herbalist alike. Mycology Research Laboratories (MRL) have a wonderfully effective range of mushroom tablets at a reasonable price, and Proline Botanicals are now producing tinctures of Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Grifola frondosa, and Lentinus edodes. If anyone has any clinical experience using fungi, please drop us a line and subit an article.

Article source :

November 6, 2007

Story of Ginseng

There were once two brothers who were hunters. They went up into the mountains to hunt. In the mountains the brothers caught much game. One day the weather suddenly turned bad, and it began snowing heavily. The snow fell for two days and nights without letting up. It buried all the tracks, and they couldn 't find their way out of the mountain. The brothers had no choice but to take shelter in a large hollow tree, where they lit a fire to keep warm.

On clear days they went hunting and dug roots for food. One day they dug up a root as thick as a man's wrist. The root was shaped like a human being, and the root fibers growing out from it looked like human's hands and feet. The brothers bit into the root to taste it. It was slightly sweet, and after eating it they found their strength increased tremendously.

The two dug for the root everywhere. All through the long winter, the root kept them strong and healthy. Finally spring has came! The brothers happily made their way down the mountain, carrying the game they had caught on their shoulders. The people of their village were astounded to see them back. They had thought they must surely have frozen or starved to death.

"What on earth did you eat to get you through the winter up in the mountains? How come you're so full of energy?" The brothers took out the root they had found and showed it to the other villagers. But none of them had seen the plant before. "Oh! it's shaped just like a man. How strange!" Later when news of the root spread, people began to call it "ginseng" (renshen in Mandarin), which means "man-root. "

Article source :

November 2, 2007

Cordyceps Sinensis for Your Errection Ehancer

Properties & Taste: Sweet and warm
Meridians: Kidney and lung

Cordyceps is traditionally known as an herbal aphrodisiac and a fountain of energy and vitality. It can be found on isolated places in southwestern China, in locations over 3,500 metres, but it is a rare herb.

The sexual support of Cordyceps has been known for years. Cordyceps has shown an amazing high success rate among men with erectile dysfunction, strongly higher than placebo. Cordyceps has the ability to improve sexual energy, stamina, appetite, desire, performance - and much more!

• Cordyceps is traditionally known as an excellent herbal aphrodisiac
• Strengthens the Yang-energy.
• Invigorates the kidneys to stop impotence, female sterility and frequent urination.
• Strengthens the tendons and bones.
• Eliminates phlegm.
• Increases sexual desire.
• Lowers cholesterol concentrations
• Improves the cellular energy production
• Improves the utilization of oxygen in the body, making nutrients more rapidly available
• Helps overcome sexual dysfunction
• Helps improve energy, stamina, appetite and sleeping patterns
• Acts as an hormone stimulator
• Promote healthy lung function

Cordyceps increases the ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) production in the human's cells and thus increases the overall energy and vitality. Especially people involved in sports can benefit from this feature of Cordyceps.

Cordyceps is a valuable herb with many pharmacological actions. Its properties are similar to those of ginseng. Cordyceps is especially helpful with male potency and female vitality, and this makes him an important ingredient of many effective herbal aphrodisiacs.

However, sexual support is not all that Cordyceps offers to you. Research on Cordyceps has shown other important facts about this wonderful chinese herb. People taking Cordyceps on a regular basis could fight off bacterial and viral diseases, and were also not effected by side effects of certain antibiotics. Human immune system seems to be strong stimulated by Cordyceps.

Cordyceps is benefiting the whole body. Without any side effects. A long time ago, only the Chinese Emperor and a few wealthy individuals could afford Cordyceps.

Article source :

October 27, 2007

Pure Bottled Water and Your Body

By Jon. M. Stout

The benefits of good health cannot be overemphasized for those who wish to lead a happy lifestyle. While good health does not guarantee happiness it is certainly a key building block for a future of well being, contentment and serenity.
Pure Bottled Water is a good starting point at building a healthy lifestyle.
What are the basics of good health?
Like most events in nature, development and maintenance of good health and a healthy lifestyle are simple in concept but take some work and dedication to achieve.
* Healthy diet
* Exercise
* Minimize stress on a daily basis
Almost all of the common diseases that threaten us today can be avoided to a great degree by eating right, adopting a program of regular exercise, and stress reduction through techniques like meditation.

The Role Of Pure Water as part of a Healthy Diet.
Daily consumption of pure water is essential to a proper diet. Basically, the human body can survive for extended periods without food but can only last for a few days without water. Water is the essential element of your body: water cools the body and is essential for the proper functioning of all the major body processes.

Is Our Drinking Water Pure?
In the whole world only 3% of all the water is drinkable and of that 3%, pollution is taking its toll. Much of the potentially drinkable water is now so polluted that it is undrinkable. Municipalities in the western word attempt to supply drinking water but only do so with contaminants and bacteria that is covered up by significant amounts of chlorine.

Scholars Have Noticed
There have many studies of contaminated water and its effects on the human body. Many scholars recommend the use of purified distilled water as a healthy substitute for contaminated water. Many experts have published opinions on the subject (see: Water Purification:
Other experts such as Dr. Andrew Weil ( explore the benefits of distilled water and explode many of the myths surrounding this form of purified water.

The basic question many scholars as is “Why do people harm their health with adulterated drinking water when pure water is available?”

How Much Pure Water Do You Need?
To stay hydrated, you need to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of pure water (spread out over the day). Therefore, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need at least 75 ounces of pure water a day. Remember, you cannot drink too much pure water-the more the better.

How Do You Know If You Are Hydrated?
Your urine should be almost clear once every 24 hours. Remember: Thirst is not a good guide-by the time you experience thirst, you are already 2-3% dehydrated, which means your energy is depleted by 20-30%.

What Counts Towards Your Pure Water Intake?
The following sources of pure water can count towards your daily quota
Distilled/Oxygenated water is the best choice. Distilled water is purified and It is rated purest and cleanest by National Science Foundation, containing the least parts-per-million contaminants. Some water suppliers add oxygen in a process that enhances the pure water taste.
Spring water is water bottled from a natural spring source. The majority of bottled water is spring water. Be careful of your sources because spring water is subject to the same natural and man made contamination as other unpurified water such as well and tap water.

Tap or Well Water
It is best to avoid tap and well water, because most North American water supplies contain a myriad of toxins including: anti-biotics, hormones, chlorine, heavy metals, and pesticides. Test all well water for contaminants because the water table that supports well water is often polluted. A high quality filtration or distillation system is recommended for all tap/well water.

There are Many Forms and Qualities of Bottled Water
Although bottled water is perceived as a healthier, safer choice over tap water in consumer surveys, that is not necessarily always true. Most tap water is bad for your body but many bottled waters are not purified and therefore not much better than tap water.
Twenty-five percent of all bottled water is actually repackaged tap water The more a consumer knows about the realities of bottled and tap water, the better they can be about selecting water based on purity and taste.

Is Bottled Best?
In a recent Gallop survey, most consumers indicated they drink bottled water based on their perception it is safer and purer than tap water. Taste was the second leading reason, while bottled water's convenience was also a factor.
Bottled water is considered a food, and thus regulated by Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Tap water is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Both varieties are subject to testing for contaminants, and some bottled and most tap water contains contaminates such as bacteria, arsenic, lead or pesticides. Independent tests by groups such as the National Resources Defense Council have found: Distilled/oxygenated water however, does not contain contaminants.

Other Facts:
-- Sixty to 70 percent of all bottled water in the United States is packaged and sold within the same state, which exempts it from FDA regulation. One in five states does not regulate that bottled water.
-- While most cities meet the standards for tap water, some tap water in 19 U.S. cities tested was found to contain arsenic, lead, and pesticides.
-- In 1,000 bottles of 103 different brands of bottled water, 22 percent contained synthetic chemicals, bacteria and arsenic.

Most healthy adults can tolerate trace amounts of contaminates if exposed, but some people are more vulnerable and should be more aware of their water source. These people include cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, patients who are HIV+ positive or recovering from a transplant or major surgery, and pregnant women, children, and elderly adults.
Bottled water that is purified by a distillation/oxygenation process eliminates even the most minute traces of contaminants. It is best however to buy purified water from a supplier that is approved under FDA regulations.

Why take a chance on your health because of the water you drink?

Article source :

October 18, 2007

Basic Reiki

By Robert Morgen

This is a very simplified primer on basic Reiki. It’s intended as a basic lesson to help someone get started channeling the energy and in no way should be considered a Reiki Course in itself.

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese phrase which means “Universal Energy”. Its history is enshrouded in myth, legend and parable, but the simple fact is, it works. Reiki is simply the process of channeling Universal Energy through oneself and into some one (or something) else. The vast range of uses for Reiki range from healing oneself to opening and balancing the Chakras and even charging objects and food with the energy.

Getting Started
Reiki is safe and simple to use. To get started simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Put on the music of your choice and relax. Place your hands over your face with your palms over your eyes. Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth.
As you inhale just open up and feel the energy flow down through the top of your head and down to your heart chakra, then feel it flow out along your arms and out through your hands and into your face. At the simplest level that ALL you have to do. The energy will go wherever it’s needed and do whatever is required of it. You don’t have to send it anywhere in particular or try to control it.

Getting Deeper
Reiki flows through you simply by your ‘intent’. You just have to intend to open up to it and you’ll find it readily available. You may feel many different things while giving yourself a Reiki treatment. Your hands or the part of your body covered by your hands may get hot, cold or tingly. Some people feel it very easily and others take awhile to open up to it. The simplest explanation that I’ve found is to think of what the emotion ‘Love’ feels like, and then just relax and let it flow.
I always advise everyone to study Reiki. Any energy worker, massage therapist, healer, martial artist or metaphysician can greatly benefit from Reiki, and there are many FREE Reiki classes and sources of training available, as many of us try to make it as easily accessible as possible to anyone who wants it. I’ll soon be publishing a comprehensive Reiki course, including the symbols and hand positions, to the web as a PDF file that anyone can download and study, as well as a list of Reiki Master willing to do free attunements.

I hope this simple exercise helps some of you who’ve been interested in Reiki, but just haven’t made the leap into studying it yet.

Article Source:

October 10, 2007

Hot Stone Massages For Your Health

By John Morris

Stone massage is one of those arts of relaxation that has been around for quite some time now. From the word itself, the technique uses special stones (basalt stones) in massaging specific body parts for the purpose of relieving stress. The stones are either cooled or steamed depending on their planned use. For water-heated baSsalt stones, they are applied to specific key points in order to relieve stress and loosen up muscles that were put under extreme stress. The cooled version of this igneous rock is used especially for muscular injury. It has a stimulating effect on the body’s consciousness as it constricts blood vessels. The warm stones relax the nervous system and encourage self-healing. In most circumstances, hot stone massage is performed more frequently than the cooled marble stones for most clients. Reason being warm stones arerelaxing and soothe physical key points that are targets for relaxation.

1. How Is It Performed?
There are several ways by which stone massage masseur’s work on using these lava stones depending on the type of treatment appropriate for the clients and their preference. The following bulleted information provides you a general outline of how the therapy is performed.
  • The stones are either heated by steam or cooled in a freezer. Black basalt stones are used for hot treatments while white lava stones are usually used for cold treatments, although they can be used for hot treatments as well.
  • The stones are put on a towel and covered to maintain the desired temperature needed for a specific treatment.
  • The stones are placed along the body lines, charkas, which are believed as key points in the elimination of stress that tends to build up through various work activities.
  • The stones are used along with the therapist’s hands in order to get through the muscle areas that hands cannot normally reach.
  • As treatment is carried out in other parts of the body, small heated stones are placed in between the toes and on the eyes and along the length of the spine. Some are placed on the forehead and the stomach as well.
  • While employing stones as an adjunct tool in the performance of massage, normal massage therapy is also administered on other parts of the body.

2. What Are The Benefits of Hot Stone Massage?
  • Ease up muscular pain (fibromyalgia - rheumatic condition characterized by pain on skeletal muscles
  • Relieves back pain
  • Helps in the management of Insomnia and other sleep-related illnesses
  • Loosen up sprains and strains
  • Improves circulation
  • Relieves symptoms related to rheumatism and arthritis
  • Promote overall well-being through its relaxing effect on the entire human musculature
  • Alleviate stress, anxiety and depression
  • Hot stone massages together with the use of essential oils restores body and mind balance due to its sedative effect
  • Clients who have undergone several stone massage sessions have observed physical rejuvenation and stamina free of pain and localized muscle sores

3. Masseur Considerations:
Experience and Functional Literacy
Massage therapist most of the time are connected in an association that undergoes regular training. These associations provide consultancy, workshops and education to stone massage therapists interested in the latest developments about this treatment.
Appropriate Therapy
Stone massage is of two categories: one employs hot stones and the other frozen, cold stones. Your stone massage practitioner will most likely be asking you questions to determine the type of treatment appropriate for you.
Massage Techniques
You will be your best judge in finding which masseur is able to work best in the kind of therapy employed in your body. Different masseur use different techniques and their mastery on one technique may not prove beneficial to you.
Know what you want
If you are into relaxation after a tiring weekend, a light hot stone massage will be perfect. If you would like to melt away the pain caused by muscle Injuries such as sprains, massage with white, cold basalt stones are great for you.
Survey Medical Condition
Thermotherapy like stone massage (hot and cold) is used for specific relaxation needs which takes into consideration your preexisting physical condition. Individuals suffering from thrombosis, blood clot and other cardiovascular diseases should seek the advice of a health care practitioner in your area to ensure safety before undergoing hot stone massage therapy.

Article Source:

October 3, 2007

The Many Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

By Dianne Ronnow

Have you heard about coconut oil yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.

Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it. Coconut oil is wonderful diet addition for just about everyone.

Coconut oil is full of healthy benefits. Next to mother’s milk, it is nature’s highest source of medium chain fatty acids (MTC’s), which raise the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss. It has fatty acids such as lauric acid and monoglycerides, similar to mother’s breast milk.

When lauric acid is consumed in the body, whether through mother’s milk or coconut oil, it enhances the immune system to help the body fight infections, diseases, bad bacteria and yeast invasions. Lauric aid is known to be anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

Coconut oil raises the metabolism, which helps people who are trying to lose weight and people suffering from thyroid problems. Coconut stabilizes the blood sugar levels, helping with diabetes. It also protects the heart cells from damage.

Coconut oil helps relieve the symptoms of menopause, and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Many women who suffer the effects of PMS have found the symptoms lessened when coconut oil was consumed often in their diet.

Coconut oil does not raise cholesterol. Studies have shown that people who use coconut oil have lower cholesterol than those who do not, even when the people consuming coconut also eat other high cholesterol foods like eggs and meat.

Coconut oil smells good, tastes pleasant and is so good for our bodies that some people consume it straight, by the tablespoon, and use it in place of other oils on their salads. Many people also use it as an ingredient when juicing or making smoothies.

If all this good news isn’t enough, coconut oil one of the best things you can apply directly on your skin and hair. It not only gives temporary relief to skin problems like rashes, but it aids in healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance. It has also been known to help with people who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, and there is solid research that shows the MCTs in coconut oil do overcome yeast infections. Coconut oil also makes an excellent massage oil.

Article Source:

September 22, 2007

Natural Remedies for Reflux and Heartburn

By : Sophie Cosic

A growing number of people suffer the pain and discomfort of heartburn or reflux on a regular basis. It has been estimated that up to twenty percent of the population are affected at least once a week. Acid reflux and heartburn occur when the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) allows the acid content of the stomach to flow back up into the esophagus. The esophagus is a tube like structure that connects the mouth and throat to the stomach. The LES is a valve which naturally protects the delicate esophagus from harmful acids. It is almost like a trapdoor, which opens up to allow the food we eat to enter the gut. Hydrochloric acid is then produced by the body to help break these substances down.

When heartburn or acid reflux strikes it is an indication of the LES temporarily relaxing, or in more serious cases, of it not functioning properly. If a person suffers from more regular or even constant heartburn and reflux, it may be a symptom of a far more serious condition called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease.) The symptoms of GERD are; heartburn, chest pains (especially at night), regurgitation of foods and liquids, a feeling of ‘sourness’ in the mouth and at times a sore throat and coughing and wheezing. If you suffer from any of the above symptoms on a regular basis, an appointment should be made with your doctor as soon as possible. GERD can lead to severe medical complications and should not be ignored. Pregnancy is often the cause acid indigestion. If you are pregnant, always consult your doctor or obstetrician before taking any heartburn or reflux remedy. Both antacid and herbal treatments can be harmful to an unborn child. If however, you only experience occasional heartburn or acid reflux, there are many natural remedies which can help to ease your symptoms. These include;
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Chewable DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice)
  • Peppermint tea
  • Aniseed or anise
  • Lavender
  • Digestive enzymes that contain pepsin or betain
  • Papaya digestive enzymes
  • Chicory root
  • Pineapple juice, which contains an enzyme called bromelain (bromelain can also be bought in tablet form)
Taking herbal remedies, rather than antacids, to relieve the symptoms of heartburn or reflux, can be extremely beneficial. Nevertheless, herbal remedies may also have side affects, particularly if you have been prescribed pharmaceutical drugs from your regular doctor. In such cases, a reputable herbalist should always be consulted if any form of medication is being taken. Certified Herbalists can be sourced in your local business directory, or on the internet. Remedies that include herbal teas, aloe vera juice and digestive enzymes are usually found in health stores and are not generally thought to have many side affects. Always speak with a store assistant before you purchase a treatment. They often have a vast knowledge of herbal remedies, as well as their uses and effects. The most common causes of heartburn and reflux are the foods we eat.
Food and beverages to avoid include;
  • Spicy foods
  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Fatty foods
  • Coffee
  • Carbonated drinks (sodas)
  • Tomatoes
  • Black peppers
  • Chillies (hot and spicy capsicums)
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Foods high in sugar
  • Bread
  • Raw onions
There are several other foods which can cause a reaction. Some people are more sensitive than others and may even have food allergies. If you think you might have an allergy to food, the best course of action is to consult your doctor or a dietician, before you modify your diet. To achieve optimum health, eat a sensible, balanced diet and try not to consume too much food in one sitting. Meals that contain carbohydrates, meat, processed foods, sugar and fats can aggravate the causes of heartburn and reflux. Eat slowly and make sure that you chew each mouthful properly. Undigested food will often create excess acid in the stomach, producing gases that can put pressure on a weakened LES and result in a painful bout of heartburn or reflux. As with all medical conditions, treating the cause rather than the symptom is the most logical way to control the discomfort of acid reflux and heartburn.

Article Source:

September 16, 2007

Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed - The Herbal Aphrodisiac

By: Alex Pentorf

Horny Goat Weed also known as Epimedium, Yin Yang Huo, Inyokaku, Xian ling pi, Barrenwort, a medicinal plant used in traditional Chinese medicine, increases blood flow, dilates blood vessels, and fights against infections too. These effects can be useful for those who are suffering from heart problems or bronchitis but the plant helps sexual functions too, according to its properties. Although we can hear more and more about epimediums contribution on increased testosterone level and muscular volume, there are no scientific researches yet to prove this. The title horny goat weed is a collective noun for the herbal plants from epidemium species, originated from the forests of China and Korea. This annual plant it’s extremely colorful with flowers from yellow to red and gradually darkening leaves during the summer. An ancient Chinese legend says that the plant got his name from a goat herdsman who was an eye-witness of a goat’s horny rampage after consuming epimedium. For medical purposes in China, the leaves are collected then dried and treated with lambs fat, before used as an aphrodisiac. During centuries men confirmed that horny goat weed improves their sexual performance.
In our days epimedium is advertised as a natural alternative for viagra (for both men and women) or as a muscular increasing formula. It’s sold in many forms: crude, as a tea, extract, capsules but mostly as a component of complex formulas.

Why is used horny goat weed by sportsmen?

When testosterone level is low there are obvious signs of decreased sexual functions, libido and physical performance. Active sports men or ageing people are experiencing negative changes in performance, in sport or in bedroom caused by low testosterone level and to raise this some of them takes horny goat weed.
While there are proves that horny goat weed improves sexual performance boosting libido, the plant’s effect on increased testosterone level and muscular volume wasn’t documented.

Medical properties

According to researches the epimedium can be used in the following cases:
  • Low libido
  • Erection problems
  • Sterility
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Micturation
  • Bronchitis
  • Paining periods
  • Coronary artery problems
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood pressure after climax

Horny goat weed primarily used as an aphrodisiac it’s capable to bring you in a state of excitement and keep you there several hours. According to Chinese descriptions horny goat weed has a positive effect on yin, which is the essence of life or more exactly the sperm itself. Contains many biochemical substances, it’s hard to find out which is the most active, but most of the scientists vote the icariin. Chinese studies claims that the heart and the vascular system can benefit too from the use of the epimedium because the plant reduces the high blood pressure and provides optimal blood circulation by preventing the formation of gouts, thanks to the icariin and flavonoid compounds.
Anything that influences the circulatory system has effects also on the sexual functions. By dilating blood vessels and improving circulation horny goat weed increases sensitivity and functionality of sexual organs. It’s well known that when blood circulation is obstructed by obesity or high blood pressure it’s very difficult to maintain an erection.
An unpublished double-blind experiment shows that a herbal formula containing horny goat weed increased with 60% the sexual pleasure on healthy men, and with 40% on viagra users.
Nowadays if a woman with low libido goes to the doctor, her testosterone level will be checked for sure; this notorious male hormone is responsible for the sexual desire even in case of women.
So increasing testosterone level, horny goat weed not only helps managing low libido for both men and women, but can also be an aid for erection problems.

The plant can be effective in treating barrenness too. In china a study on humans, demonstrated that epimedium raised the sperm count and density. Others have demonstrated, that those who have been using this plant experienced positive changes in their sexual, but also in their everyday life.

According to chemist You-Ping Zhu, co-writer of The Chinese Materia Medica 5 % of horny goat weed users has been cured from bronchitis, and more spectacular than the other patients with usual treatment. The positive effects are caused by polysaccharides, the antiviral and antimicrobial compounds of horny goat weed.

More researches are needed to discover all of the secrets of epimedium plant. There are no solid proves that horny goat weed increases testosterone level or muscular volume, but for sure helped men to fight their impotence problems. Scientists are still looking for effects on lungs diseases and circulatory problems.

Horny goat weed decreases blood pressure, so those who have low blood pressure may not use it.
Epimedium grandiflorum – the Japanese epimedium caused respiratory problems in big doses, but for treating impotence are used the plants from epimedium saggitatum and epimedium brevicornum species.
Horny goat weed rarely may dry the mouth or cause nausea. There are no other known side effects.

Horny goat weed pills must be taken with meal 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.

Article Source:

September 4, 2007

Meditation is a Quiet Revolution

By Jeanie Marshall

For over 30 years, I have been meditating. For almost as many years, in workshops, consultations, friendly conversations, and writing, I have been encouraging, teaching, or leading people to meditate and create quiet times. During this time, the world has changed considerably, and so have I. My most important learning is: everyone is different. Certainly there are commonalities in meditating, but each individual is unique. I consider that meditation is one of the most empowering practices that anyone can engage in.

A "quiet revolution" is an oxymoron, of course. Meditation is generally a private, quiet practice. In North America its acceptance has changed dramatically over the last several years, although it is still not universally accepted. As with most revolutions, an underground is established before, during, and after the outward manifestations of the awakening. In this culture which I know, more and more individuals are speaking and writing about their meditation practice.

Meditating in groups is also common and very powerful, and yet each meditator still has a unique, quiet, private experience. In the workplace, meditation is rarely practiced openly, nor is it discussed, except in safe, small groups or among friends. When I was a frequent workshop presenter, I had many participants speak to me privately in hushed tones at break times to confess that they meditate. The voices may not be as hushed these days, but still there is a quietness, even a silence, about the practice in many settings.

I am comfortable with the variety of words used to describe meditation. My own purpose for meditation is to connect with the Divine and be replenished by the Source. Some speak about mystical experiences and higher consciousness, while others are more comfortable talking about relaxation, calmness, and resilience. Heightened awareness, intuition, imagery, and vision are frequently used to describe experiences of meditation. I find that helping others to express their own meditation experiences is a powerful process for them, even when the words do not flow smoothly.

Long-time meditators can find other long-time mediators easily. Meditators give off signals or vibrations that are calmer and more aligned with self than those who do not meditate or do not have a meditative-type practice that taps into higher consciousness. Gardening, yoga, certain athletic activities, and regular relaxation can achieve the same soothing signals when practiced in ways that achieve harmony with self.

No matter how or where you meditate, you must make a choice to meditate and practice it regularly in order to benefit fully. Full benefits come with regular practice over a period of time. Meditating only when stressed may certainly be beneficial in the immediate situation, but the long-term benefits of a regular practice include general well-being, health, a strong immune system, longevity, clarity of thought, and balance.

Meditation is sometimes associated with certain religions. Meditation can be practiced in any and all religions, but the two are not synonymous. In my work, I keep meditation distinct from religion; if my clients choose to join the two, that is fine. Those with strong religious beliefs gravitate to the types of meditation that fit their beliefs. Wikipedia has a comprehensive listing of meditation methods.

Regardless of the chosen method, the benefits of regular meditation, over time, are as varied as the individuals who meditate. It is quite common for long-time meditators to acknowledge they benefit physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Recently I received an email message from a long-time meditator in India talking about her meditation experiences. It was a delight to read. It became clear to me that she has integrated the same elements that I encourage people to discover and use.

She uses her breath to relax. She has several processes to handle mind chatter and stress so that she is not disturbed by them in her meditation. She has two different "focal points" for her attention. One is a visual focus, a traditional Indian lamp, which she visualizes as divine light that lightens her heart. Another focal point is one of the most famous mantras, Om, which she chants repeatedly, finding that it takes only a brief time to achieve the state of consciousness that is her purpose for meditation. And she has a regular practice.

Her message was a beautiful summary of what many long-term meditators might report. While working with both new and long-time meditators, I have discovered that the most difficult aspect of meditation is to practice it regularly. All the elements of meditation are easy to understand, but to sit and do it challenges many new meditators.

If you have not meditated before, it may seem mysterious. However, meditation is simple. I recommend a maximum of twenty minutes for new meditators. Here are the elements:

* Arrange time when you will not be disturbed;

* Sit in a comfortable position and relax;

* Close your eyes, unless you prefer an open-eye meditation;

* Breathe intentionally for a few breaths;

* Choose a focal point, such as music, a chant, a pleasing image, a guiding voice;

* Stay with the focal point; if your mind wanders, gently return to the focal point;

* Bring the meditation to a close and return to your activities, refreshed.

If this is your first time meditating, you may feel that "nothing is happening" during the first few times you sit to meditate. That is a common sensation. At the end of your chosen meditation time, simply get up and continue with your day. The benefits are cumulative, which is why I advocate a regular practice.

If you want to meditate, yet are not meditating or are not meditating as frequently as you want, please be gentle with yourself. While it is true that only you can sit down and do it, you can also find ways to make it more appealing. In order to have a meditation practice, you must practice meditation. Above all else, follow your heart and trust your own inner guidance.

What about you? Do you want to be part of this quiet revolution? Are you already part of the revolution but wanting to meditate more regularly? If so, meditate one session at a time until it becomes a natural part of your life.

August 20, 2007

Pain Control Through Relaxation Technique

By Raymond Lee

When faced with stress, the body responds by releasing epinephrine and other hormones that cause the heart and the breathing rates to increase and the muscles to tense. The physical changes referred to as the fight-or-flight response. Usually, the body returns to normal after a stressful event has passed, but if you are in a prolonged state of stressful event has passed, but if you are in a prolonged state of stress because of chronic pain or other problems, you may benefit from techniques to combat stress can decrease muscle tension and pain as well as reduce fatigue, anxiety, and sleep problems.

The techniques require practice and time to perfect, however, and the benefits may not be immediately apparent. At first, you may need to set aside time for practice sessions that last 15 to 30 minutes. Once you learn the skills, you can use them when you have a few free moments to relax throughout your day.

The first basic procedure is deep breathing, also called diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing. The goal of this method is to fill your lungs completely, starting from the bottom, rather than breathing shallowly as most people do. Deep breathing is especially useful when you are experiencing greater pain or stress than usual or when you know you are about to confront a stressful situation.

To become aware of how you are breathing now, lie on your back or sit in a chair and place one hand on your chest and then the other hand on your abdomen over your navel. Take a breath and pay attention to which hand moves more. If the hand on your chest moves more than the one on your stomach, you are breathing shallowly.

To try deep breathing, inhale through your nose, making your abdomen expand first and more than your chest. Slowly exhale through slightly pursed lips. Practice breathing so that the hand on your abdomen is the one doing most of the moving. Each time you exhale, tell yourself to focus on the tension that is leaving your body and the warm feelings of relaxation that remain.

Your breathing should feel natural and comfortable. As you continue, you should become more relaxed, and you may notice that your rate of breathing naturally slows.

You can make a noticeable difference in your level of relaxation by practicing deep breathing 1 minute at a time, several times each day. Then use deep breathing when you first notice muscle tension, anxiety, or frustration starting to build. You can use the technique when stuck in heavy traffic, while participating in a stressful family conversation, or when preparing for a job interview. You can also try it in combination with other relaxation methods.

August 10, 2007

WATER - An Essential Nutrient

By Bob Cotto

Nowadays it's commonly known that water is an essential nutrient required by our bodies, after all our bodies are made up of over 70% water. What people don't realize is that there are a variety of common health problems such as high blood pressure, arthritis, headaches, fatigue and asthma that can either be prevented or treated. You can do this by making sure that your body is properly hydrated, which will maintain the optimum levels of fluid it requires. To prevent, treat and in many cases cure an illness the best thing is to give your body the right tools to help it function properly. Your body can defeat almost anything with the proper amount of water, the correct minerals and nutrients.

Recently studies have shown that the best protection against most infections is an increased intake of water and the use of the correct immune enhancing nutrients, in conjunction with a little patience and some common sense. Also if you allow your body to defeat most minor infections with fever, a lot of fluids and rest it can increase your natural resistance and will make you less vulnerable to these infections in future. In fact the best offense is definitely the best defense.

Pain medications and analgesic medicines can also work in contrast to the way your body heals itself. There is an extremely informative book called "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" (highly recommended reading), where studies by medical experts are used to explain how many of the pain sensations experienced are resulting from moderate or severe dehydration.

A common cause of headaches is your body's lack of proper hydration. As our brains consist of over 75% water, so when your brain detects a water shortage it releases histamines, which cause both pain and fatigue. When you ingest pain medication and antihistamines it only masks the actual problem. In many of these cases if you simply drink a few cups of water and try to relax for 20 minutes or so, you should find that the pain eases.

Occasionally back pain can be caused by a lack of fluids. Your spinal discs are filled with fluid, they act as shock absorbers within our spinal column and when they aren't hydrated correctly they can collapse, providing less cushioning and then placing the load on the shell of the disk instead of on the fluid. Lack of movement also affects the fluid level in disks. By rotating your head and moving your upper body around while sitting at in your chair at your desk, will help alleviate this, allowing your spinal discs to stay hydrated.

Dehydration can also cause a low blood volume which can be the cause of high blood pressure or hypertension. As your blood consists of over 80% water, it is consequently exceedingly vulnerable to changes in hydration. If you body detects a loss of blood volume, it causes the less active capillary beds to close in order keep on maintaining proper blood flow to the more active areas. As these vessel closings occur they cause a rise in tension inside the muscle mass which is known as hypertension. An increase of water allows the correct blood volume and less tension.

You will be pleasantly surprised at the results if you are suffering from any of these conditions and you try drinking a couple of glasses of water!

August 5, 2007

SLEEP - How To Get The Most From Yours

by Aislinn O'Connor

Sleep - sufficient sound, refreshing, healthful sleep - is totally essential to your physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Good sleep can:

  1. improve your health and looks;
  2. boost your energy;
  3. strengthen your concentration; and
  4. fill you with self-confidence and creativity that can transform your finances and your entire life.

Lack of sleep, on the other hand, causes serious problems if it isn't dealt with.

  1. Lack of sleep affects your immune system, and makes you more prone to infection and less able to recover from disease;
  2. Lack of sleep affects your judgement and your concentration, and causes you to make mistakes at work or when you're driving;
  3. Lack of sleep can make you irritable, and causes problems with your partner, friends and family; and
  4. Lack of sleep can be a cause of mental illness.

Seriously. The late comedian and writer Spike Milligan traced the bi-polar disorder which devastated his life to an incident in World War II, when during the battle for Monte Casino he suffered total sleep deprivation for a staggering 15 days and nights. He never properly recovered.

How do you know if you're not getting enough sleep?
That's simple - when you're properly rested and refreshed, you wake up naturally. If you need an alarm clock to get you out of bed, you need more, and much more restful, sleep. Here are some simple tips to help you to do that.

  • Don't expect to sleep until you're sleepy. There's no point in going to bed just for the sake of it, and hoping that you'll somehow fall asleep. You won't. What you will do is toss and turn, and get annoyed. There aren't many better ways of ruining a good night's sleep than by convincing yourself you aren't going to get one.
  • Make sure your bedroom's not too hot. A stuffy atmosphere prevents you from breathing deeply, which in itself can be a cause of shallow sleep which leaves you tired and un-refreshed next morning. You might want to turn the heating down, or the air-conditioning up. You don't need to make yourself feel cold to get the benefit of this - just make sure the air feels fresh and fairly cool, that's all. If your first thought on entering the room is that it's warm, you need to freshen it. Your sleep will benefit.
  • Don't read in bed. To sleep more restfully, you need relax your mind, not fill it full of new ideas. Lots of people read a newspaper last thing at night, then wonder why they can't drift off to sleep. That's just because their mind's too lively. Reading a book is even worse - if it's any good, you'll actually force yourself to stay awake to see what happens next! Do all the reading that you want to do before you go to bed.
  • Switch off the TV. Lots of people have a TV in their bedroom, and believe that watching late at night relaxes them before they go to sleep. It's really just like reading, though - it keeps your mind involved when it needs to be relaxed. If you fall asleep while watching, you rarely wake refreshed next day. That's because even in your sleep a part of your mind has still been listening to the TV - all night long. It doesn't matter how many hours of unconsciousness you have in front of the TV - it's not the same thing as a proper deep, refreshing sleep.
  • Relax, and switch your conscious mind off for the night. Don't go to bed thinking anxiously about all the stuff you've got to do tomorrow. List it all before you go to bed, and forget about it till the morning. It doesn't matter how important it might be, you won't tackle it effectively if you're too tired - you'll do it all much better when you're rested. Take some time to unwind before you go to bed, and consciously and deliberately release everything that's happened through the day. Be aware of letting your muscles release every bit of tension in them, from your head down to your toes. Fill your mind with pleasant, relaxing images, then let those images drift softly from your consciousness till you're aware only of an enjoyable sensation of comfort and relaxation. Don't fight the feeling of drowsiness as it comes over you - just let it overtake you, and drift gently into sound, refreshing sleep.

Try these tips tonight, and see how much better and more energetic you can feel tomorrow!